A Look At Engagements In The United States

When it comes to starting a life together, engagement rings symbolize this new beginning for many couples. The importance of engagement rings should certainly not be underestimated, and the jewelry purchase should be tailored to the bride’s sensibilities. Personalized bridal jewelry and personalized engagement rings are becoming more and more widespread and commonplace, with more couples deciding to design their own engagement rings and even their own wedding bands.
There are many different styles that have become popular in engagement rings, and it is important that the couple has a discussion about this before any wedding jewelry or personalized rings are ever purchased. For instance, more brides to be than ever before have shown an interest in colored stones in their engagement rings – around fifty two percent of them in total. This is in part thanks to the popularization of such engagement rings by celebrities who are celebrating their own engagements. Halle Berry and Jessica Simpson are two such stars who have helped to popularize the engagement ring that contains a colored stone, and even just jewelry in general.
Other popular types of engagement rings include those that are ethically sourced. It is unfortunate but true that the sourcing of stones for engagement rings is not always automatically so. However, a number of brands that produce personalized rings and other types of personalized jewelry have begun to make a conscious effort to ethically source their jewelry. These brands have made a mark in the jewelry industry for being both environmentally and socially aware, and have won public approval because of it. In fact, around eighty percent of all Millennials in the United States hold ethical consumption as an important value of their own, and will be likely to purchase an engagement ring that leaves a positive impact (which is often no impact at all, the absence of a negative impact). Among all adults around the country of all current generations, more than sixty five percent still believe in the importance of ethical consumption as well.
There should be a considerable amount of planning that goes into the purchase of an engagement ring, and most couples believe that it is important to discuss a potential engagement long before it actually occurs, often at length. In fact, the majority of men (the gender who typically proposes) will talk to their partner before even buying a ring. Only just under forty percent of all of those who propose will do so completely by surprise.
Deciding upon a budget for an engagement ring (and later, for wedding rings) is also significant and a crucial part of the process. Many people choose to set aside money in advance before buying a ring and still more will use one ring as a placeholder before they can afford another ring of a higher quality. And engagement rings can be difficult to find if you are on a budget, as around one third of all those planning an engagement have said that they would be willing to spend one thousand dollars or more on just an engagement ring alone.
Once you have decided upon the ring, planning the engagement itself is the next logical step. Picking a venue for the engagement is hugely important. Most women have stated that they have no interest in being proposed to in the midst of a crowd, and many would prefer to not be in public at all for their engagement. In fact, data shows that less than five percent of all women in the United States would actually prefer a public engagement. For men preparing an engagement, this should be taken into consideration. This also shows that it is important to discuss an engagement ahead of time, as this will be the best indication of what the best engagement scenario is likely to be.