Get the Right Waterproof Walking Shoes with These 4 Tips

Are you thinking about planning a hiking trip with friends or family? These are very popular activities for many people across the globe. It has been found that at least 60% of all adults walk at least a little every week. It is the most popular aerobic activity. One important part of planning a successful hike is to pick the right comfortable walking boots. Some trips need waterproof walking shoes while others do not. Here are some tips for picking the right waterproof hiking boots for you and your trip.
1. Get the right fit for your waterproof walking boots.
This is the single most important factor in buying waterproof walking shoes. You may great recommendations from friends, relatives and experts, have the newest and best technology and read every review you could find, it the hiking boots do not fit properly, your feet will blister and you will end up with bruised toenails. In short, your feet will be miserable and so, too will you be.
What makes a fit the right fit? Experts recommend placing your index finger between your heel and the back of the shoe. This is normally the amount of space that you will need to have enough room for your foot in the shoe. You should also be able to wiggle your toes comfortably. The following tests should also help:
- Simulate walking down a hill. When you are in the store trying on your waterproof walking shoes, you will be walking around on a flat surface but this will not be the case out on the trail. Some stores have inclines that you can walk up and down. Take advantage of this. Stomp your feet and scruff them a bit. How do the boots feel? If your feet move a lot, the hiking boots may be too large. Remember, all hiking boots and walking boots do stretch and change shape as you wear them.
- Try walking up the incline. There are also often stairs in stores that sell hiking boots, try going up the stairs at a rate of two at a time. How do your heels feel in the boots? If your feet move too much when you are going uphill, you may wind up with blisters that can be very painful.
Wear the socks you plan to wear while you are hiking. When you go to try on the waterproof walking shoes, wear the same socks you plan to wear on your hike. This can make a huge difference in your hiking boots and how they feel. One interesting fact to keep in mind is that a typical hiking day can include 10,000 steps. When your boots are not the right size, that can mean a lot of blistering and other problems with your feet.
andnbsp;2. Take a look at your walking style.
This is not as important as the fit of the hiking boots but does factor in. If you have a casual walking style, you have a lot of options. Your terrain will also impact your style. You will need different hiking boots for walking on a rough trail than if it is well manicured.
3. Look at the support and flexibility of the waterproof walking shoes.
Take the shoe and bend it upwards so you are bending the toe in the direction of the heel. Look at the arch of the shoe when you do this. The bend should only be at the arch of the shoe. If you see any random bends in the shoe, that is not a good sign.
Twist the waterproof walking shoes. They should not twist easily. That is an indication that the shoe does not offer a whole lot of support. You need walking shoes that have some give but there needs to be a balance between give and support.
4. Pay attention to the weight..
The weight of your shoes adds a lot to your load. Many experienced hikers will tell you that a pound of weight added to your feet is like adding five pounds to your back.
Happy feet make for a happy hike. Getting the right shoes will make all of the difference when it comes to how happy your feet are.