Mature Tastes Reflect a Sophistication That Is Difficult to Duplicate

Watching your daughter transform from a teenager to a young woman has been inspiring.
Her freshman year in high school was a bit of a roller coaster of emotions, an academic challenge, and a smorgasbord of activities. As she enters her senior year in high school, however, she seems to have found her path. Completely unfazed by friendship drama, she has learned to focus on academics and meaningful friendships, activities like running, voice, and piano, a being as content at home with her parents as she is out with her friends.
Although she is still in her teens, she seems to have a maturity that her friends do not. She seems to relish indepth adult conversation more than casual conversations on social media. In addition to the inner transformation that has taken place during her first three years in high school, her outside appearance has changed as well. She has traded the trendy fashions pushed by retailers at the mall for classic clothing for a classic style of her own. Even the jewelry that she wears has matured. From the brightly colored accessories in shades that match only one or two outfits, she has transitioned into antique sterling silver jewelry that matches most of her wardrobe.
Obviously, there are many parents who think that their child is more mature than others, but you really feel like your daughter has made the most of this high school experience and has come away a much better person.
Antique Sterling Silver Items Hold Their Value for Years
Much like the clothing and jewelry that many women transition into as adults, a taste for sterling vases and sterling silver picture frames often comes with age. In fact, once home owners are finished with their passion for following the latest fleeting trends in home decor, they often land on a more traditional taste for some of the finer things in life. They would rather, for instance, find a classic sterling tray that they can use for years than continue to buy the latest offering at a discount store just because it is on sale.
For people who still love color and sleek, modern lines, there is a fine art to mixing traditional silver pieces in your home with other classic pieces of furniture that can help set you apart from all of your friends. Perhaps there is a reason that the words for “silver” and “money” are the same in as many as 14 different languages. Value and traditional beauty are a trends that never gets old, whether you are a high school girl planning your jewelry for Prom or a home owner selecting a new piece for your living room. Antique sterling silver is a shiny metal and when polished reflects 95% of the visible light spectrum, just as these choices reflect the maturity of the owner.