Different Types of Body Piercings Consider All of Your Options Before You Go to the Parlor

About 83% of Americans have had their earlobes pierced, and except for the uber conservative, it has basically become a social norm to wear earrings. The same cannot be said of other types of body piercings, which have enjoyed significant popularity in sub-cultures and under clothes, but retain a certain stigma in the mainstream.
For this reason, it’s likely that you don’t know about some of these more obscure body adornments that are nonetheless quite popular. if you’re interested in exploring how to get a body piercing or becoming a piercing apprentice, check out this list of body piercing types.
Surface Piercings
Believe it or not, but many people enjoy adorning their loose skin with jewelry. When you think about it after all, belly button piercings don’t use extra skin or cartilage, but simply the slack skin near the navel. Other popular placements include the back of the neck, the bridge of the nose, and in between the breasts.
Cheek Piercings
A type of surface piercing, these are often placed high up on the cheeks. Be careful though, you wouldn’t want them to snag on something!
The Earl
An old fashioned name for a new type of body decoration! The Earl in the piercing of the skin on the bridge of your nose, right between you eyes.
Indeed, the oldest piercing was found in a grave dated to 2500 BC, and this ancient art is certainly making a modern revival. At least 7% of people have a piercing. Earring and pierced ears were once considered barbaric, so it is entirely possible that other types of piercings can be absorbed into the collective perception of the status quo and become normalized.
Prepare yourself for that day by doing your homework on different types of body piercings. If you are even more interested, looking into how to become a piercing apprentice, or a body piercing apprenticeship program to learn the ins-and-outs of the body adornment world might be right for you! Help keep the culture of body adornment alive and well.