3 Gift Ideas for Any True Kentuckian

Gifts that are chosen with the receiving person in mind are the best. Rather than getting a gift that might could be given to anyone — think of giving someone some plain socks, t-shirts, glassware, etc. — it is far more meaningful to pick something out for them that is geared towards special interests. with nearly 75% of Americans using a promotional product at least once a week (think of a hat with a football team’s logo on it, or a mug with a coffeehouse’s branding on it), getting them a gift that supports a brand/mindset they love can make for a great gift. For any family members and friends you might have that are either from Kentucky, or currently living there, it might be beneficial to look into grabbing them some KY state gifts.
With 55% of Americans doing some of their holiday, gift giving shopping online in 2016, there’s a benefit to being able to openly search companies and and their merchandise directly from your computer. Here are three companies you consider when searching for KY state gifts:
- Kentucky Pride Apparel: Kentucky is a state the breeds a lot of pride. It is a state that is a representation of a rich history and continued relevance, with it having joined the Union in 1792 (the 15th state to do so), and now being the 26th most populous state in the U.S.. One such gift that can fill the need for your KY state gifts can be KY flag apparel. This is a simple, sound way to wear your state’s pride for all to see, and one such site to consider are the apparel found at Simply Southern Tees, a sight that specializes in apparel faithful to Southern pride.
- Makers Mark Merchandise:
- University of Kentucky Gifts:In NCAA basketball there have only been three people who have won a championship as both a player and a coach, one of which is Joe B. Hall of University of Kentucky fame. UK basketball is another source of pride for Kentuckians, and their merchandise further makes for great KY state gifts. Consider gifting some University of Kentucky gear (sweatshirt, hat, shirt, etc.) or some UK mugs.
While bourbon does not have to be made in Kentucky, 95% of all bourbon comes from the state of Kentucky. One of KY’s foremost bourbon brands is Makers Mark. For caramel and vanilla scent and it’s smooth, long-lasting warmth, Makers Mark is a standout brand that fits into the pride of KY, and equally fitting for any KY state gifts basket. If a bottle of Makers Mark isn’t enough, consider gifting a piece of Makers Mark apparel or bar accessories.
With any of these KY state gifts — whether KY flag apparel, Makers Mark bourbon, or University of Kentucky merchandise — you can provide the perfect present towards the Kentuckian in your life.