How Charitable Clothing Donations Can Save You Money During Tax Season

When’s the last time you cleaned out your closet? It can be easy to let clothes pile up over the months as you cycle through fluctuating budgets, differing seasons and the ever finicky nature of fashion trends. Pulling out sweaters that no longer fit or dresses that just don’t jive with your personal image doesn’t have to be a chore, however. You can take those gently used clothes and turn them into military donations or charity pick up options. Recycling and re-purposing used clothes is a fantastic way of giving back to your community, reducing strain on the environment and even saving money during tax season. Not sure how it all works? Let’s take a proverbial walk through your closet and detail all the different ways a little spring cleaning will help out everyone involved.
How Do Military Donations Help My Community?
Thrift shops are incredibly popular. When you think about it, it’s not hard to see why. Gently used clothes are a great resource for people of all budgets and backgrounds, providing access to all sorts of trendy outfits and accessories with the added benefit of reusing materials. Americans buy more clothes now than they did just 20 years prior, meaning far more trips to thrift stores and charitable organizations alongside mall outlets and boutiques — the year 1930 saw the average American woman owning nine outfits, while the figure today is closer to 30.
How Can I Help The Environment?
One of the best aspects about gently used clothes are all the good they can do for the environment. After all, it’s only fair to give a little back once in a while! The year 2011 saw an estimated two million tons of clothing and textiles either recycled or donated, with some of the most commonly re-purposed textiles being cotton, spandex and wool. Landfills, however, bring notorious strain on the environment and are known for being rather unhealthy for both people and animals to be around. When you give away your jacket or jeans instead of throwing it into the garbage, it’s a good habit everyone can feel.
How Can I Save Money?
While reducing environmental strain and putting useful materials back into your economy is a good way of saving money in the long-term, you’re probably wondering about something more immediate. Turns out charitable donations are tax deductible and something you can put toward your next tax return to save a little green. Some donations, such as three piece suits, are worth quite a bit compared to a single t-shirt or pair of jeans. Remember to always keep your receipts and to double-check the IRS’ rules on tax deductible amounts.
What Are Tips For Recycling Clothes?
Military donations are as easy as one, two, three. Gently used clothes should have minimal damage, all the better to get them back into the hands of someone who could use something both affordable and trendy — this means no large holes, no burns and no tears. For those worried about a busy schedule conflicting with their ability to drop by the nearest charity, the vast majority of local and international charity organizations offer free pick up services. All you have to do is call them, give them your address and set out any clothes in a box or bag where they can see.
Should I Recycle My Clothes?
In a short? Absolutely. When your closet is fit near to bursting with excess clothes and you’re eager to reinvent yourself, used clothing pick up services can accomplish a bunch of benefits in no time at all. You’ll be giving neighbors and visitors alike cool clothes to choose from, your economy recycled materials to reuse and your own wallet a break once tax season arrives. When it comes down to it? It just feels good helping families in need. Consider putting together a box or bag of clothes for military donations next time you feel like tidying up. You’ll find it’s a good habit you won’t be able to shake!