How to Make Colorful Scrunchies

While scrunchies had their first time in the spotlight in the 80s and 90s, they have recently come back into mainstream fashion. Many fashion retailers and small custom fashion boutiques offer a wide array of colorful scrunchies. You can easily purchase a colorful scrunchies pack online, but if you’re an avid DIYer, you might want to try your hand at making them yourself.
The video on this post shows two ways to make colorful tie-dye scrunchies.
Tie-dye techniques are easy to follow and even master, and these scrunchies make for great first-time tie-dye projects. Even if you’re a total beginner, you should be able to succeed.
The first thing the video shows you how to do is making a simple scrunchie. While you can use a sewing machine for every step, the video shows a simpler technique using a hot glue gun. Once you have your scrunchie, you can dye it.
To get the tie-dye effect you want, you’ll first have to put bands around the scrunchies to create sections for your dye. Then you will apply your dye as directed in the video. You only need a cheap tie-dye kit from a craft store to get all the colors you need for such a small project.