Botox and Medispa Treatments for Men – Making the Case

As a man, you have surely heard about Botox at one point or another. Whether it was overhearing your wife or girlfriend talking about wanting to get something done or seeing some procedures on a daytime doctor show, most men seem to think Botox is just for women. However, that just isn’t the case. Today, men are lining up right behind women to get Botox treatments at local medispa centers and spas.
Botox can be an ideal solution for men who want to gain a smoother appearance to some wrinkles that have been popping up over the years. Crows feet, fine surface lines, or deep furrows like that worry line between your eyebrows, forehead lines, and sagging skin around the jowls can all be areas that can be treated with Botox for me. It can even be used for helping to stop underarm sweating. Some men have taken on the cool name of “Brotox” when they decide to go in and get treatments done with their friends. After all, they all want to look younger and attractive, look relaxed and fit, and keep that competitive edge when it comes to attracting a certain kind of partner.
Nearly 500,000 men get Botox done in any given year, and this has increased threefold since the turn of the century. And men are not waiting until old age to get Botox treatments. Some are starting in their 20’s with preventative treatments for smooth skin. In 2013 alone, the anti-aging skin care industry generated over 2.1 billion dollars with a growing number of those dollars being spent by men.
While more and more men are getting the anti aging treatments, they still have not reached the level of women’s services. Why is that? The biggest reason is that there is a social stigma associated with men getting plastic surgery. They are expected to hang on to their aging as a “dignified” look. Also, it isn’t always considered very masculine to have procedures done. But men who are doing, looking great, and not caring about any stigma, are starting to change the tide.
Men are also paying more attention to preventing wrinkles and the effects of aging naturally in the first place. By using sun screen with an SPF of 30 and above, staying in the shade, wearing protective clothing, and staying out of the sun during the peak times in the afternoon, men are taking better care of their skin than ever.
There are a few men who have concerns about the safety of Botox. However, once they receive a consultation and learn it has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for over 15 years, that treatments are short (usually under 15 minutes) and that patients don’t experience a loss of feeling or inability to do facial expressions, they are usually ready to sign up.
The biggest key for men with getting Botox or other Medispa treatments is to make sure you are using a reputable, experienced provider, who can provide a quality consultation specifically tailored toward the needs of men. Take the time to do you due diligence and research to select a qualified provider. Check reviews online, ask to speak with former patients, and make sure you meet and feel comfortable with everyone who will be providing your treatment. After that, get ready to feel younger, more vibrant, and thrilled that you could quickly turn back time with Botox treatments.